With over 37 trillion cells each pulsing with electricity, every organ in the human body generates an energy field which creates an electromagnetic field, or biofield, around our entire body. The heart has the strongest electromagnetic field which can be measured several feet away from the body.
Our thoughts and emotions affect every cell, especially the heart's magnetic field which then energetically affects those in our environment, whether we are conscious of it or not. Others can pick up on the quality of our emotions through the electromagnetic energy radiating from our hearts.
Negative, stressful emotions cause chaos with this energy field and the nervous system. Worry, anxiety, long-term stress and negative emotions lead to physical, emotional and cognitive breakdown.
Neuro Coaching teaches you how to stop this cycle of chaos, re-setting the energy within your body and mind.
Integrating energy psychology modalities and heart-brain coherence techniques to reset the energy in the body, you learn to control stressful emotions in the moment, on-the-go, and restore balance to the body and mind.