At Neurolead we use an assessment-led process to inform every aspect of our client’s needs, enabling us to clearly identify, measure and evaluate progress and success.
Our assessment suite offers:
Barrett Values Leadership Assessments that include
360-degree leadership assessment
Comprehensive diagnostic of values, strengths and areas of growth
Use with C-suite and executive leaders to assess self-awareness, personal transformation and team alignment
Transformation Report to chart and measure progress over time
Grouped reporting available to provide a holistic and strategic view of the leadership of an organisation
Extended DISC Assessment suite that assesses:
Individuals’ DISC style, based on the model of psychological types and behavioural styles identified by Dr Carl Jung. This enables strategic understanding of how active, reserved, task-oriented or people-oriented individuals are and to clearly identify their strengths and weaknesses:
D-style (dominance)
I-style (influence)
S-style (steadiness)
C-style (correctness)
Extended DISC provide bespoke Leadership Development assessments, including:
Pair assessments
Team, Group, Culture and Organisation assessments
Stress and Wellbeing assessments are also optional
HeartMath Institute Stress and Wellbeing Assessment that provides:
Online assessment to pinpoint stress and wellbeing resiliency and areas for development
Provides real-time insight into clients’ emotional wellbeing, clearly identifying areas for coaching and training focus
Facilitates goal setting and progress tracking
Enables measurement before and after training and coaching